
21 arrested for various crimes at Thulamahashe

The local police arrested 21 suspects for different charges over the weekend.

THULAMAHASHE- The suspects include a 27-year-old man arrested for the rape of a 12-year-old minor whom he cornered on her way from a traditional wedding on Sunday.

He briefly appeared before the Mhala Magistrate’s Court yesterday on a charge of rape. He was remanded in custody for further investigations.

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The other suspects aged between 22 and 50 were arrested for different charges including possession of dagga, theft, assault with intent of causing grievous bodily harm, malicious damage to property, common assault, violation of protection order and crimen injuria.

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“They all appeared before same court on Monday. Nineteen of them were released on warning while some were ordered to pay fines for their charges. The rape suspects were remanded in custody for further investigations,” says Phiri.

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