
Man arrested for using father’s gun

A 27-year-old man was found guilty for being in possession of his late father’s firearm and ammunition without a licence.

MBOMBELA – Mr Steven Magagula of Pienaar pleaded guilty to the charges of possession of a 9mm pistol semi-automatic pistol and eight ammunitions without having a permit or licence to do so.

In his pleading statement, Magagula said prior to the incident, his home was broken into, the firearm was not in its safe so after the break-in he decided to take the firearm with for safety purposes. That is why on July 20 2015, the firearm was found in his car during a police stop and search campaign.

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It was heard in court that Magagula was previously convicted of an assault case.

“I am the eldest son and I thought it my responsibility to take care of my father’s inheritance. I am remorseful for this act and humbly request the state to be lenient with me,” reads his pleading statement.

Passing judgement, Magistrate Andrei Geldenhuys says: “These offences are very prevalent in this area and many serious crimes such as robberies, hijackings and rapes are committed everyday using firearms. The community wants to feel safe, one needs a licence to possess a firearm.”

Magistrate Geldenhuys added that the accused showed remorse from the moment he stepped into the dock. “I watched you and I saw you were remorseful. You deserve a second chance in life. You took the firearm from the safe for safety purposes after there was a burglary in your home because you are a responsible person,” he added.

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Passing his sentence, the two counts runs concurrently sentenced Magagula to eight years in prison wholly suspended for five years on condition that Magagula is not found guilty of possession of a firearm and ammunition.

He was also found unfit to possess a firearm in future because of the assault crime he previously committed.

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