Young man gets 36 years imprisonment

Fingerprints linked Mabuza to the crime and he was arrested on November 15, 2011 in Germiston.

ELUKWATINI – A 28-year-old man was recently sentenced to 36 years’ imprisonment for a spate of crimes ranging from robbery with aggravating circumstances, theft of a motor vehicle and kidnapping.

Mr Lucas Vusumuzi Mabuza committed these crimes five years ago. On November 23, 2011 at about 20:00, he robbed a foreign national and his wife of R13 200 cash at gunpoint.

He further tied the couples’ hands with cables before stuffing them in the boot of their (couple) car and drove to an open veld. He abandoned the vehicle and left with the cash and victims’ cellphones. He went to their apartment where he stole R29 000 from their bedroom, using a key he took after robbing them. The couple later managed to get out of the boot to report the matter at Elukwatini police station.

Fingerprints linked Mabuza to the crime and he was arrested on November 15, 2011 in Germiston. He was positively identified by the couple and their friend whom he found at their apartment.

On August 24, 2016 the Carolina Regional Court sentenced Mabuza to 15 years’ imprisonment for the charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances, eight years’ imprisonment for the charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances, five years for the charges of theft of a motor vehicle and five years for each kidnapping charges. Some of the sentences run concurrently.

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