CrimeBreaking News

Policeman shot dead after his duty from a voting station

The officer was shot dead a few hours after spending the night doing his duties at a voting station. The incident happened around 01:00 when he was about to enter his home.

KWAGGAFONTEIN – Mpumalanga police are in search for unknown suspects who shot dead a police officer and a taximan on separate incidents on Thursday morning.

According to provincial police spokesperson, Brig Leonard Hlathi, the officer was shot dead a few hours after spending the night doing his duties at a voting station. The incident happened around 01:00 near the officer’s home.

“Family members heard two sounds of gunshots. One shot missed him. He was rushed to hospital and where he was declared dead upon arrival,” said Hlathi.

On a separate incident, a 38-year-old taxi man was also shot a few hours after he had parked his taxi and walked to the nearest voting stations in Kwaggafontein.

“On his way home, it is alleged that a certain vehicle followed him and an unknown man came out and shot the deceased once before he fled the scene. The deceased died on the spot,” explained Hlathi.
No arrests made and investigations still continue on both cases.

Hlathi said these murders are not politically related.

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