
Standard bank ATMs vandalised

No arrests have been so far and the police are investigating a case of business robbery.

KANYAMAZANE – An undisclosed amount of cash was stolen from a Standard Bank ATM on Monday night as 17 suspects vandalised the machines while holding four security guards hostage.

According to Brig Selvy Mohlala, the incident happened around 23:00 on Monday night when the suspects attacked the security guards at the KaNyamazane Shopping Complex.

“The guards were assaulted and fastened with ropes while some of the suspects cut through the bank’s strong-room door using grinders and hammers. They took an undisclosed amount of money found in one ATM and vandalised the other machines before fleeing the scene,” explained Mohlala.

He added that only one security guard had been injured on his foot when he refused to be cuffed by the suspects.

WO Andries Skwambane added that there had been no sound coming from the complex that night as the suspects allegedly strategically walked around with one guard pretending that all things were in order.

“The police were only alerted by a passer-by who saw that the guards were being held hostage. There was a shoot-out upon the arrival of the police at the scene before the suspects fled in their vehicles parked near the Cashbuild entrance,” he said.

No arrests have been so far and the police are investigating a case of business robbery.

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