IN PICTURES: Celebrations of 2018 Social Work Day

It recognises the role being played by social work professionals across the sector in developing a caring society and fighting poverty.

The Department of Social Development honoured social workers and social auxiliary workers in the province by hosting a Social Workers Day on Friday at Ingwenyama lodge.

This year’s theme for celebrating social work day was “Your Work Matters” and Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability as the theme for International Social Work Day.

The day is celebrated on the third week of March. It recognises the role being played by social work professionals across the sector in developing a caring society and fighting poverty.

During the event, Mr Nkosinathi Mamba shared experience faced by social workers on a daily basis.

“People in the country would rather celebrate when they see celebraties than when they see see social workers who work with them,” he said.


Read more in the next edition of Mpumalanga News.

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