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Mahushu’s peaceful walk against women and children’s abuse : gallery

Radio celebrities joined the youth of Egame, Mahushu, and surrounding in the peaceful march against the killing and abuse of women and children.

The youth of Mahushu and surrounding held a peaceful walk against the killing and abuse of women and children over the weekend.

Some of the attendees.

Ligwalagwala FM presents attended.
Attendees during the walk.
Some men also supported the walk.
Patrice Chamosso also joined the walk against the killing and abuse of women and children.
Ligwalagwala FM presenters attended.
Up in arms against the abuse and killing of women and children.
Saying no women and children’s abuse.
Local men supporting the walk.
Saying no abuse of women and children.
Participants during the walk.
Teenagers were also there.

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