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MP News editor resigns to join EFF – joke or not?

Mpumalanga news editor, Bongani Hlatshwayo dramatically resigns from his positon to join EFF as the party's Premier candidate. Could this be true?

April 1, 2014 – 15:00 (update): Following the news of Mpumalanga News editor Bongani Hlatshwayo resigning and announcing his move to the EFF, this publication would like to inform you that the below article is in fact untrue and a joke in the spirit of April Fool’s Day! Hlatshwayo does not plan on stepping down as editor any time soon, and neither does he plan on “taking down” any political parties. Did we manage to fool you? Happy April Fool’s Day!


• April 1, 2014 – 06:00: MBOMBELA – The Lowveld Media stable was dropped a bomb yesterday when long-serving editor of Mpumalanga News, Bongani Hlatshwayo dramatically tendered his resignation with immediate effect, opting for a political position as Julius Malemá EFF premier candidate for Mpumalanga.

As political analysts have always lamented that this year’s national general elections will be tough as there are new political parties such as Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Agang and other ordinary people are starting to show interest in politics.

The ruling party (ANC ) have to work tirelessly if they want to win with the two-thirds majority.Hlatshwayo confirmed his departure as he said: “I’ve served in the media industry for more than 32 years now, it’s time to move on. I’ve seen a home and a future career for me in the EFF and that’s where I’m destined.

Yesterday was my last day in the media industry, from today onwards, I’m a politician fighting for the rights of the people.”I’ve opted to join the EFF because it offers room for expansion.

I’ve been a politician all my life, but now, as I’ve seen how things have been done all these years, I think I have what it takes to lead this province with my experience. I’m a fighter like my new leader, Julius Malema, we will fight together and defeat the ANC at its own game,” he said.

He was appointed as an Editor of Mpumalanga News and Mirror in 2005 until he was nominated as the first candidate of the EFF for the premier’s position. Hlatshwayo has made a big impact in the media industry, especially taking both publications to another level when it comes to keeping people of this province well informed.

His departure from the media industry has left a huge gap since he was a people’s person.One of the journalists of this publication, Mr Katlego Kalamane had this to say: “He was a father to us. I have learnt a lot from him when it comes to reporting because when I joined this publication in 2011, I was fresh from school and not used to the newsroom environment. I wish him all the best as it’s important to grow as a person. We will miss him.”

Speaking to this reporter, Hlathswayo says that he believes he has played his part in the media industry and it’s about time that he must chase other dreams.

“Well, I think I have what it takes to lead this province as I can interact with different people. I always wanted to be a politician, but I don’t want to serve in sub-regions, so being the first candidate for the premier’s position is a privilege and EFF and people of this province are not going to regret because I’m going to deliver come May 7, we are ready,“ he concluded.

Watch video here:

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  1. I wish I had registered to vote. I would definitely vote for Bra Bongza. Viva tenders Viva!!

  2. How possible is this didn’t the EFF submit a list of their candidates to the IEC weeks ago.

  3. Brilliant April Fools’ Joke! haha!
    And Awesome Cut-out work and video editing!

  4. Kwaaaaaaa Bra Bongz!! I am saving this video hehehehe work of art! April Fool commissar, you have just nationalised April Fools Day!!


    Allow me to share my thoughts on Cyril Ramaphosa & Kgalema Monthlante Statements ‘Mediocre ZANC politics’ of April 07 & 08 that portrays a state of confusion and lack of genuine leadership among South Africa’s ruling political party seen with their “blind” and unsolicited endorsement of a ANC presidential candidate, above others.
    Call this the political gimmicks of our times or South African democracy at its worse, or are the ZANC ,ZANCYL and ZANCWL leaders trying to position themselves better?
    May they want to share a piece of the pie, should ZANC win the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections?
    The move by South Africa’s ruling party presidential hopefuls that have thrown their towels in the ring before the upcoming elections is a trend that undermines the very democratic principles our State should be enjoying.
    Should all political parties follow EFF (ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS), South Africa will very soon be a one-party State that will be shunned in many parts of the world.
    Wholeheartedly, political parties must be free to decide on what they want to do for the country and how they perceive their role in cementing the very democratic structure that South Africa is privileged to have, but they should not exercise this not chickening-out strategy when faced with a political giant. It is David and Goliath syndrome.
    The Economic Freedom Fighters(EFF) and Zuma Affilliates of National Criminals’ (ZANC) stance in shelving their presidential ambitions to run the country is worrisome, especially when people don’t understand the rationale behind such decisions.
    In fact, by trying to anoint Shower Man Jacob Rapist Zuma as the most likely presidential candidate suitable to run South Africa, without have had his positions cleared on a number of issues, is being irresponsible and naive.
    Does it mean that the former ANC has no presidential material that can run for Namibia’s highest office and confidently challenge other presidential hopefuls by outlining their political vision for the country?
    If Rhino or Montlhante cannot face Rapist for the presidential contest, why not find one amongst their pack to do so?
    Indeed, if ZANCYL & ZANCWL are serious in backing the ZANC presidential candidate, why not foster some working alliance amongst the political parties – demonstrated by signed agreements, rather than the wolfing statements that are one-sided and not fully supported by the ZANC leadership?
    As for EFF Manifesto alluded about economy, is that really different from the corrupt and self-serving deals that have enriched ZANC’s most powerful politicians?
    The ZANC-led government that has been eroded with acts of cronyism, corruption, embezzlement of public funds and misplaced priorities meant to benefit the rich, so there has been a widening of the gap between the have and have-nots.
    This has culminated in the high unemployment rate, poverty, and poor service delivery to the masses.
    ZANC’s presidential hopeful has being part of this government from day one after the undemocratic elections of 1994, initially as NEC member of the Mandela Affiliates of the National Criminals, responsible for running different sectors of the South African government that has not yielded much results, as seen with all the social ills that have infested the country.
    Or did Rapist say or do something new that South Africans are not aware off?
    In order to save face, the ZANC must dissolve, as they have become irrelevant to South Africa’s democratic process, with nothing to offer, let alone (ZUMA) one person out of their membership to be man enough to contest the presidency not by using the Image of Mandela to cheat to the masses.
    If the ZANC cannot beat EFF, then they must join them! Mediocre political leaders are a distraction in any democratic State.
    The blind endorsements from the ZANC and the ZDA does not do EFF any good, as people will be asking for the merits of such decisions, which can unfortunately be pinned down to the non- sentiment that has been floating around the country.
    In conclusion, South Africans must endorses CIC Julius Malema, give him space to outline his personal vision for South Africa, because the current ZANC one has failed – resulting in many eating from dumpsites and having nowhere to sleep.

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