
Reloaded success

As  premier DD Mabuza  tables his State of the Province Address (Sopa) today, I expect him to speak to me and other youngsters on matters of socio-economic upliftment. So many things are happening in the country. New laws have been enacted, policies are developed and so forth. On January 1 this year alone, the Tax …

As  premier DD Mabuza  tables his State of the Province Address (Sopa) today, I expect him to speak to me and other youngsters on matters of socio-economic upliftment. So many things are happening in the country.

New laws have been enacted, policies are developed and so forth. On January 1 this year alone, the Tax Incentive Bill, commonly known as the youth-wage subsidy, came into effect.

I expect to hear how my province, in particular, aims to ensure that youth benefit from it, ensuring that employers in all sectors and young people know and understand it.

I also expect to hear how government plans to fast-track the implementation of the Youth Accord, the Mpumalanga Growth Path and also how it will improve the monitoring of youth-serving parastatals.

In last year’s Sopa, the premier made it clear that government will strengthen its relationship with the mining and energy industries and this year, we expect to hear about the progress and how young people will benefit from these relationships.

Last year’s Sopa was the best I have ever heard. Clearly, the premier and his cabinet worked tirelessly to consolidate it.

It was a well-balanced presentation which connected well to the national development plan and I liked how it was able to give specific figures on outputs.

It is the responsibility of each and every young person to listen to this statement and comprehend it because it is after all a preamble to the services and functions of the provincial government. Speak to us on twitter @_mpunews @hlengimganu and share your thoughts.

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One Comment

  1. The “…preamble to the services and functions of the provincial government.” is not the SOPA.

    Administration effectively and efficiently is underpinned by a plan.


    The Mpumalanga Provincial Government – Department of Finance Annual Report 2006-2007 notes the criticality of a plan in the process of service delivery. Mr R.S. Tshukudu states that; a strategic planning review session they had “ … identified the need to restructure …. for improved service delivery” (Department: Finance Mpumalanga Government Annual Report, 2006-2007).

    The then MEC for Public Works, Roads and Transport – Mpumalanga Provincial Government JS Mabona in both the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 Annual Reports mentions that: “The public service should … plan efficiently and adjust its objectives, resources and operations to meet the opportunities and challenges that it faces …”

    Planning in administration means a framework of reference – a guideline if you may, in the process of producing goods and services. Now, the challenge to speed up service delivery and to address the backlogs therein – is because of the plans in place.

    Effectiveness and efficiency in implementation is thoroughly planned for. It starts as a plan. When describing and applying basic management functions in any organisation – planning is the first point of departure. It is only when a meticulous planning process has been undertaken that the other management or administration functions will follow.

    Now, the problem with administrating service delivery in Mpumalanga and the country – is because of the myriad plans that exist in the government. There is limited correspondence or agreement.

    Administration is planning.

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