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Youth Day celebrated in style at worship centre in KaNyamazane

The young people were empowered with motivational talks to tackle their challenges to become successful individuals.

Young people gathered to commemorate Youth Day through motivational and uplifting events such as the Youth Arise and Shine Service at Christian Worship Centre Likazi on Monday June 17.

The organiser of the event, Prophet Moses Lubisi, said the aim was to help the youth address the challenges they face such as mental illness and how to empower themselves with skills and job opportunities.

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“Young people are the future, but some lack the resources of empowerment. We saw that as a community, we could provide them with information and educate them on how they can progress in life. The event was a success and we have received great feedback.”

Lubisi said the attendees drew inspiration from speakers such as a life coach, Ronmas, MC Wodumo, local radio personality Mr Gate, and Dr Bridget Mashaba of Rob Ferreira Hospital.

“We invited people whom the youngsters can up look up to so they can be encouraged to aim for a better future,” Lubisi said.

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Such youth services take place continuously with the aim to encourage positive growth among the youth in KaNyamazane.

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