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KaMaqhekeza family rescued from kidnappers

A family was hijacked as they exited their driveway in KaMaqhekeza on Tuesday evening, September 26. The police and the army came to their rescue near the Lebombo Border.

Seven family members were rescued from hijackers by the police and members of the SANDF just before their vehicle could be smuggled into Mozambique on Tuesday September 26.

According to the police, the family was about to leave their residence in KaMaqhekeza and head to Block C when they were ambushed by four suspects who forced entry into their vehicle and drove off with them towards the Lebombo Border Post.

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“The family was held hostage, then driven into the bushes towards the borderline by their assailants, who worked on the vehicle in what is believed to be an attempt to disconnect the tracking device. The victim’s husband became worried when his wife did not come back home as expected, and later realised that his family was in trouble. He immediately reported this to the police, who also activated the army. The team jointly managed to rescue the victims from the bushes, and the vehicle was recovered in the early hours of Wednesday morning, September 27. The suspects escaped and evaded arrest when they noticed the law enforcers,” said a provincial police spokesperson, Brigadier Selvy Mohlala.

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The police have also reported that two vehicles were discovered in the same vicinity of the crime scene, which had both been reported stolen earlier.

“During their rescue, two extra vehicles were also recovered nearby at various locations along the borderline. These were a Toyota Hilux double-cab bakkie, which was reported stolen in KaMhlushwa, and a Toyota GD-6 double-cab bakkie, which was reported stolen in Garsfontein. The suspects are still at large. The police urge anyone with information on their whereabouts to call the Crime Stop number on 08600 10111 or send information via the My SAPS app. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.”

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