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Don’t live a champagne life in a beer budget this festive season

As you enjoy do not get lost in a moment later found yourself as a victim of ‘Januworry’ financial babelas.

Every December people receive their bonuses, but some forget about the “60” days of the month of January and spend the money they do not have. When visiting your extended family during the Christmas holidays, do not pretend to be the rich aunt or uncle and forget about your financial responsibility.

Here are suggestions to follow:

• Draft a budget and follow it
• Put aside money for your extended family members who always need money
• Remember to pay all your bills before travelling
• Buy enough food for the long month of January
• Do not buy gifts that you cannot afford or if you cannot afford at rather do not buy anything
• Buy a cheap whisky in advance for that malume (uncle) who is always asking for whisky money.

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