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Residents outraged due to lack of refuse collection

Continuing service delivery problems in White River

Residents of the town are being challenged to cope with the lack of service delivery. At first, they didn’t have water and now their refuse is not being collected.

Locals voiced their frustrations on Facebook and lashed out at the municipality. A resident, Mr Johnny Morgan, pasted the following comment on White River Post’s sister publication, Lowvelder’s Facebook page, “It’s again service delivery. Why must one pay for something you do not receive? At first it was the water issue and now it’s a lack of refuse removal for two weeks in a row. The plantation near Hillsview is painted black with people dumping. We demand answers!”

Trudi Grove Morgan, DA councillor, confirmed there was a problem presently with the collection of refuse.
“According to the municipality the removal truck has broken down and they are still waiting for the replacement parts,” said Grove Morgan.

As to how long it will take for the replacement parts to arrive, is anyone’s guess. It is interesting to note that this refuse-collection truck was only recently purchased to be used in White River.

Grove Morgan said a truck was being utilised from Nelspruit, but it was not collecting on the normal collection day of Wednesday. “It only services White River in the afternoons after 14:00 and usually about two to three days after Wednesday.”

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