
Home affairs prepares for voter registration weekend 8-9 February 2014

It’s all systems go as Home Affairs prepares to open all its offices in the country to provide those citizens who need IDs to enable them to register to vote during the weekend of 8-9 February 2014.

It’s all systems go as Home Affairs prepares to open all its offices in the country to provide those citizens who need IDs to enable them to register to vote during the weekend of 8-9 February 2014.

Minister of Home Affairs, Naledi Pandor has directed the department to open all its 403 offices across the country from 08h00-17h00 on Saturday and Sunday 8-9 February in support of the final voter registration weekend declared by the Independent Electoral Commission.

In addition, Minister Pandor has deployed all senior managers including the Director-General and all other Deputy Directors-General to visit all provinces during the weekend to provide assistance and add impetus to the work of Home Affairs provinces during the voter registration weekend.

As in the past, the Home Affairs offices will be at hands to deliver services to those citizens who require IDs, temporary identity certificates while calling on those who have not yet collected their IDs to do so during the voter registration weekend.

In agreement with the IEC both the green-bar coded IDs and the newly launched Smart ID Card will be acceptable as legal forms of identity for purposes of registration and voting during the 2014 general elections. In this regard, the Home Affairs department has recently launched the roll-out of the Smart ID card to:

1. First time applicants who are 16 years and above to start applying from February onwards
2. Pensioners who are 60 years and above and born during January and February to apply during this month, February
3. From March onwards pensioners who are 60 years and above can apply in accordance with their months of birth.

For more information contact Ronnie Mamoepa at 082-990-4853/ Lunga at 082-566-0446/David Hlabane at 071-527-9463

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