
Precious moments

January is over – just like that poof! Amazing how the older we get the faster time goes...

January is over – just like that poof! Amazing how the older we get the faster time goes. The last two weeks have been laid with a certain amount of obstacles, far too early in the year to be facing so many – but that is life hey?

So to get through those particularly difficult-to-digest nasty blocks in the road, I found it helped to focus on those little precious moments, instead of trying to rush through them to get to the next item on the to-do list.

One highlight was the rain. Though many think it’s a pain and it was a bit dreary to start most days with rain pouring, I watched my son stand in one specific hectic downpour, in his rain coat with a fat grin on his face. I joined him (minus the raincoat) and tried to imagine what he was feeling, things are so much simpler when we are younger. So I cleared my mind and just stood feeling the rain seep into every part of me, trying not to focus on the cold and wet, and just lived in that moment, as a 5 year old would. It was exhilarating!
We went to the Makiti festival on Saturday and Daniel and I went on the rides so many times, I actually did feel quite ill after, and that takes a lot for me because I absolutely love the exhilaration of it. We did the rotor over and over and each time, it took longer and longer for the spinning to stop afterwards.

Daniel thought this was the best ride he had ever gone on, because he was like Spider-man and he could stick to the walls! Awesome! “Mommy, this is the best day of my life because now I really am Spider-man.” I went on the rotor when I was about nine, at the Rand Easter Show, many many many years ago and remember feeling that same elation, besides losing my shoes when the floor drops away.

For those who didn’t have the privilege of experiencing being stuck to a wall with no floor underneath you, the centrifugal force keeps you against the wall while the floor drops away, and you are literally stuck to the wall with no support. You can pull your arms and legs away and then they shoot back with a massive whop, as gravity tunes you who is boss. Again, I watched Daniel as the glee illuminated his face – loving that he loved it so much.
I tried my best to take note of all those little things, hubby bringing me coffee in bed and taking care of packing away the groceries this weekend, friends showing genuine concern when I injured myself, my son telling me he loves me more than all the chocolate coins in the world… And taking stock, there is just so much to be grateful for, if I had to count every minute of the day I still wouldn’t get through everything I have been blessed with.
Lady, my very dainty sausage dog, is always so very happy to see me when I get home – the excitement she displays oozes love and energy, just to be able to take each step in life with a quarter of that passion, would set us all up for life – as far as positivity and happy attitudes go. If I had just a tiny bit of her enthusiasm, the whole ‘attitude determines altitude’ adage would apply to me in such a hugely positive manner, with me constantly flying above the clouds!
So Lady, here’s to your example – this week is going to be filled with lots of loving, living and shining!

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