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Shocking state of clinic

Arriving at the Jerusalem Clinic, I was overcome with shock, noticing that the entire structure was in poor shape and the roof was falling apart.

JERUSALEM – After receiving numerous complaints and cries for help from the community, I paid an unannounced visit to the local clinic last Friday. Getting lost on the way, I asked an elderly man for directions. “Why would you want to go there? The place is old and the roof might collapse on you, since it’s on the verge of falling apart,” he told me.


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“That clinic has been there for years and the government seems to have neglected it, as it has done with the whole community. We are nobodies, yet we are expected to vote for the same government. This year it is not getting my vote.”

After he narrated the misery faced by the village, which included lack of water and proper roads, high crime rate, no proper police patrolling and lack of delivery from ward councillors, I mentioned to him that I was a journalist and he gave me directions. “Maybe your visit will bring some change. Good luck with the government, and don’t forget to mention that we need water here.”

Arriving at the Jerusalem Clinic, I was overcome with shock, noticing that the entire structure was in poor shape and the roof was falling apart. I walked into the building wondering how such a small amenity could serve such a big community. I noticed boxes containing patients’ files lying around, as there were no proper shelves to accommodate them in the small administration office.

I sat with the patients who were queuing and asked a few questions. They said they were happy with the treatment they received from the nurses, but their main concern was the dilapidated state of the clinic.

“This place is depressing. The staff here try to keep it clean and to show us some love, but proper health care should be complemented by proper premises. We sometimes struggle to get medication,” said Ms Grace Mkhombo.

I asked them if I could go in first and they agreed. Inside, I was offered a seat which I took reluctantly, I sat on the old cracked chair which looked as if it would collapse any time and explained who I was. The operations manager called the other employees and introduced me to them, telling them that I needed to ask them a few questions about general challenges they faced on a day-to-day basis. They all stated that, they were not the relevant people to speak to and that, should they be allowed by the department to say something, they would contact me.

I walked around and noticed that nearly every piece of furniture was broken and wondered if the department ever bothered to visit the facility and address its basic needs. As I was taking pictures, a young man said, “I hope you are here to assist this community and the nurses in a way that will see this clinic renovated and extended. It’s been a frustration for far too long now. Are you from the government?”

He was disappointed when I told him that I was just a journalist because he had thought the government was finally helping them. “Maybe you are an angel sent to come and accelerate the slow pace towards our getting help,” he said.

I approached the health department for comment. Spokesman Mr Ronnie Masilela said, “We are not aware of shortages of medication at our facilities and this allegation warrants immediate investigation. We will respond shortly.”

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  1. Goodness!!! Is that a clinic? Looks like something that might kill you instead of improving your health. You certainly can’t go there to get better but to finish you off.

    This is an unfortunate and sorry state of affairs. Investigation is the least the department could do. How about renovating the structure and equip it with resources? The problem with our government is that there are no dedicated people delegated to ensure that facilities are well maintained and effective.

    NHI won’t work as long as there is such!

    Good work MP News

  2. Mawubona i clinic inje uzizwa ugula kakhulu futhi ubuhlungu bungena emathanjeni ngenxa nje yendawo wht about abaguli balapho did the have a transport to hospital i dont think so abantu badinga indawo ehlanzekile kuze baphile

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