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Leave your mental health in good hands

Consult with a clinical psychologist when you can no longer cope with whatever is happening in your life.

Local lass, Miranda Mongi Manzini is one of a few clinical psychologists dealing with issues of mental health illness and depression on a daily basis.

She holds 14 years’ experience in the field. She started working in the public sector in 2005. She has worked both at Rob Ferreira Hospital and Themba Hospital before opening her own practice, MM Manzini, in 2010.

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Speaking about her daily job, Manzini said: “I see a lot of people from different levels and classes suffering from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, substance abuse and a lot more. Such health problems are triggered by different life experiences, including rape, accidents, work stresses, marital problems, gender-based violence, infertility; the list is endless.

“Our work includes providing psychotherapy and helping patients with coping skills. Sometimes we refer them to psychiatrists for medication. My job also includes offering psyche-education about the patient’s condition, to help them understand their conditions,” Manzini said.

Also read: #WorldMentalHealthDay: All you need to know about mental health

Manzini also provides psychotherapy for families and couples.

“I love giving my clients space to voice their issues in a safe place. We always ensure the highest confidentiality in all matters we deal with,” she added.

Manzini holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology from the University of Western Cape. For one to consider a career in Manzini’s field, they need to love people. The job includes working closely with clients, and being tolerant, good listeners and fluent in a number of languages.

“Learners need to pass mathematics, biology and their languages plus any three subjects to be admitted in the university,” she said.

Manzini said anyone needs to consult with a clinical psychologist when they can no longer cope with whatever is happening in their lives or feel that they can no longer handle certain emotions. If in need of her assistance, contact her on 013-752-7388 or 071-241-1343.

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