
Musician celebrates her healing through music

Singer and songwriter, Phumla Nkomo, also known as Phumla Music poured her heart out about heartbreak and abuse in her recent single, "Inhlitiyo." 

Phumla Music says being in an abusive relationship is what inspired her song she released independently before collaborating with Jozi Entertainment to expose her brand to bigger audiences.

The 24-year-old media studies graduate from Barberton shares her story:

Your share your experience on the physical and emotional abuse you experienced in your song. Tell us more.

It happened for over two years, where I found myself being the one taking responsibility in the relationship. The continuous cheating and abuse were some of the signs. At times we would go out on dates with other couples and I would have to foot the bill. I am not all about money, but I felt used during those times and my friends concluded he was with me for the money. When I could not provide, I would be emotionally blackmailed, but I am glad I managed to find myself.

How did you overcome the abuse? 

A friend of mine helped me see things from a different perspective. I had to make a decision and accept things would never change between us. I left because I could not stay in a toxic relationship where I would end up picking up bad habits just to please my partner. I also attended therapy and started writing music.

Your single “Inhlitiyo” was written while you were still dealing with the break-up. Was it easy writing about your experience?

It was my duty to put myself first before everyone else and to make sure I am happy. I had to put everything out in that song for people to know what I was going through. We looked happy and cute in public, but there were deeper issues. “Inhlitiyo” is a vibey song one can listen to when going through similar situations. It reflects how I conquered the current stage of my life.

What is your message to other women?

It is important for women to know the power they possess and to make use of it. Let us learn to support and celebrate one another.

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