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This post office in KaNyamazane is a crime hotspot

Residents are supposed to collect their mail there, but the post office is usually frequented by criminals who terrorise the community. 

KANYAMAZANE – The satellite post office situated at the corner of Symphony and Nelson Mandela Drive is in an appalling state, with tall grass surrounding the building.

Bus commuters are the targets of nyaope-smoking youngsters who hang out at this place in the dark at night, sometimes robbing them of their valuables when they get off buses at night on their way back from work.

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When Mpumalanga News went to investigate, a pile of letters were scattered on the floor outside the premises and different clothing items, including underwear, were lying on the floor.

A community member, Glen Qwabe, said interventions must be made, as the criminal activities in the area are becoming worse, especially in the evenings.

“The guys that loiter around that post office get up to no good. It is not safe for both men and women who commute with buses and taxis on a daily basis, because they rob them. Last week they went after a student who was on his way from evening classes. Fortunately, before he got off the bus, he had asked his parents to meet him halfway,” he related.

Also Read: Suspects wanted for bombing petrol station’s safe in KaNyamazane

Area manager of the SA Post Office, Sydney Sithole, indicated in his response that the local police were engaged to assist with homeless people who may make customers and communities feel unsafe. However, no crime incidents have been reported to the local post office.

“Members of the community should bear in mind that often customers discard advertising mail articles they have finished reading, which we discourage, because these items that may be lying around can create the impression that mail is not properly safeguarded. The post office in KaNyamazane will ensure that garden maintenance is done regularly in that area,” he said.

Unattended mail can be reported to the post office’s toll-free line on 0800-070-020.

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