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A local fashion designer is aiming high

Mr Sibusiso Mahlangu, a local designer said he fell in love with designing at a very early age and has never looked back ever since.

BARBERTON – Very soon this province will have its veryt own ‘David Tlale’ after a local talented fashion designer is determined to make a name in the fashion industry that is well dominated by females.

Mr Sibusiso Mahlangu, a local designer said he fell in love with designing at a very early age and has never looked back ever since.

He told Mpumalanga News that he is doing well on local level and wants to take his ghetto style fashion into another level.

“My biggest wish is to have my own boutique and hosting fashion shows in the province. This will also help other aspiring designers in the province to showcase their works,” he said.

“Designing has always been in my veins and I started designing clothes when I was just a child and by then I was sewing with my own hands as I didn’t have a sewing machine.

Last year, I started to focus more on my work with care and professionalism,” he went on.

“This is a very interesting industry and we are living in a changing environment, where technology is also changing now and then and in order to survive you must be creative and know your story,” further said Mahlangu.

He said he is able to design anything, from jeans to jackets and suites.

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