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Life imprisonment for rapist

This week, the Mbibana Regional Court sentenced Stewart Shumba (29) to life imprisonment after he was convicted for housebreaking with intent to rape and also for the rape of a 69-year-old woman in Phake village.

This incident happened in November 2016 at Van Dam Section C where Shumba broke into the victim’s house, attacked and raped her more than once.

Luckily, the victim managed to open the window and went outside to her neighbours for assistance. Community members and police were alerted, a search was conducted and Shumba was found hiding inside the garage and he was arrested.

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During trial, the accused pleaded not guilty and the Regional Court Prosecutor, Rofhiwa Khorommbi led testimonies of the victim who told the court that she did not know the accused but can be able to identify him.

The state further led testimonies of the neighbour who found the accused hiding inside the victim’s house. Khorommbi also led testimonies of a forensic nurse, a J88 was also presented, and the accused was found guilty as charged.

Also Read: KaNyamazane rapist sentenced to 15 years

During sentencing, the court found no compelling and substantial circumstances to deviate from the prescribed minimum sentence and the accused was sentenced to five years imprisonment for housebreaking with intent to rape and life imprisonment for the rape of a 69-year-old woman. Both sentences will run concurrently.

The accused was declared unfit to possess a firearm and his name was entered into the Sexual Offences Register

The accused committed this crime while he was out on bail for a similar offence.

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