
Police burn 84 kilograms of dagga

According to police cases surrounding the dagga had been dealt with.

More than 84 kilograms of marijuana were burned to ashes by the SAPS from Tonga Police Station on Thursday morning.

“This dagga had been kept at the station for some time. We only destroyed it because cases surrounding it were now dealt with,” explained spokesperson Capt Magonseni Nkosi.

Also read: Three Swazi nationals arrested for dagga dealing in Ermelo

He added that being situated next to the Mozambican and Swazi border and next to mountains make their area a target for people who illegally smuggle in such drugs into the country

Two Swazi nationals, aged 23 and 25, were also arrested in Naas after they were found in possession of 1,74 kilograms of dagga.

“Their arrest comes after we received information from the members of the community about men who were carrying dagga in the streets,” adds Nkosi.

Preliminary investigation indicated that the suspects were supposed to deliver the marijuana to one of their clients in Naas. The will appear in the Nkomazi Magistrate’s Court tomorrow on charges of possession in dagga.

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