
#TheQueen: Abuse scene causes a stir on social media

A scene that triggered viewers' emotions was when Kea Khoza played Dineo Moeketsi being beaten up by her partner, Tebogo (Fezile Makhanya).

Last night’s episode on the drama series, The Queen, had viewers openly condemning women abuse in South Africa on social media.

Tebogo beat Kea so much to a point that she started bleeding.




The public reacted by voicing out their concerns on Twitter. Here are some tweets:

What you need to know about women abuse:
According to Parliament of the Republic of South Africa abuse is any form of behaviour that causes fear, bodily harm and a person to do things against their will.

The parliament also states, some of the causes of violence against women and children, stems from the low status of women in the home and in society.

It happens when men abuse power and positions of authority in order to control women and children.

If you need help, here is a list of places you can contact:

  1. People Opposed to Women Abuse (POWA) on 011-591-6803/Email: info@powa.co.za
  2. Stop Gender Abuse – Toll-free helpline on 0800-150-150.
  3. Family and Marriage Association of SA – Phone 011-975-7106/7.
  4. The Trauma Centre -Phone: 021 465 7373.

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