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World Water Day:Six water-saving tips

National Water Week is celebrated from March 18 to 24.

Today is World Water Day and the country is still facing drought. The public still need to use water sparingly.

Six water-saving tips to remember

1. Turn the tap off between washing your face, brushing your teeth or shaving.
2. Take a five-minute shower a day, instead of a bath, which will use a third of the water used bathing in the tub, thus saving up to 400 litres a week.
3. Showering can use up to 20 litres of water per minute – so keep it short.
4. If you prefer to bath, don’t fill up the bath tub to the brim.
5. Kettles should not be filled to the brim but with just enough water for your need. This will reduce your electricity usage too.
6. Don’t over-fill containers like cooking pots, as this may result in using more energy to heat the water.

National Water Week is celebrated from March 18 to 24 and the theme is, “Access to safe water by 2030 – possible through nature”.

(Source: Department of Water and Sanitation, www.dwa.gov.za).

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