Editor's note

Is replacing DD Mabuza an easy task?

Premier DD Mabuza was forthright in his farewell State of the Province Address last Friday that he was vacating his seat as both the provincial chairperson and premier.

He said this amid a number of individuals who had begun campaigning for the position.

Although he’s not indispensable as such, he led the province with strict discipline. He was a strong leader who dedicated much of his time to what the ANC refers to as “trenches”.

I’m particularly concerned if contenders have tested their strength against his. He has been reported to have been a workaholic whose schedule often included working through the night, and having back-to-back meetings in the office or at home – tackling community and party issues.

My concern is who will emulate him? Is there any capable leader to replace him?

Be that as it may, Mpumalanga doesn’t deserve a mediocre leader. It needs someone who is tolerant and patient with detractors who ends up victorious in their endeavors for the province. The province needs a strategist like DD Mabuza.

It is true that every individual is unique in their own right, but the purpose of governing the province is uppermost.

We can express whatever desires and aspirations we may have concerning the next provincial leader. However, the branches of the ANC will have the final choice.

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