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How locals react to Zuma’s resignation

Some feel it’s a relief to the political parties, but they could foresee some bad results for those who were on his side.

Following the resignation of President Jacob Zuma yesterday, Mpumalanga News hit the streets to get the view of the general public.

Bhoberth Nkosi, SACP’s district secretary says “We feel relieved, mainly because his shenanigans undermined the sovereignty of South Africa. Corrupt people and networks had converged around him to loot our country and our minds.”

Also read: #ZumaExit: Zuma given 48 hours to step down

Mr Ossie Gardiee says, “In our rejoicing, let us continue to pray for a just ruler, peace, harmony, stability and the safety of every citizen in our beloved country. Goodbye Zuma, welcome CR.”

Mr Ossie Gardee

Jerry Ndwandwe says, “This is a lesson to those leaders who always rule instead of leading the people.

Mr Vusi Mashele says, “He is my hero and I am very happy that he resigned peacefully. However we should mark his words. There no man without mistakes,” he said. Mashele added that he thinks the opposition parties will soon be coming after Cyril Ramaphosa on his involvement in the Marikana issues.

Vusi Mashele.

Nomvula Mnisi says, “Mixed emotions. As much as his resignation was long overdue, I am concerned about the ANC’s reputation as an organisation. First it was Mbeki and now this. Does the party lack credible candidates who will lead the country in a dignified manner that the country will be satisfied with and see no need to recall them?”

Also read: Corruption must fall in the ANC says Ramaphosa

Dr Abbey Mdluli say “We will never forget President JZ Zuma indeed. We will read about him in history books.”

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