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How to deal with failing matric

Mpumalanga News has put together tips to deal with exam failure

Tomorrow the matric results will be released and some learners may receive the results they were not hoping for, although you need remember you can still get another chance.

Mpumalanga News has put together tips to deal with exam failure, read below:

1. Remind yourself that anyone who wants to do things of value in life will fail.

– Colonel Harland Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, his recipe was rejected 1,009 times before anyone accepted it. This means he failed 1,009.

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2. You are not a failure simply because you had a setback.

– When you have had a setback it is very easy to start thinking that you will always keep failing but that is not true. You can still do better next time.

Picture sourced.

3. Learn from this setback
– You can go back to the drawing board and check what you need to change and improve.

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4. Accept what has happened
– It will not be easy to accept although it can be done. Take it one day at a time.

Picture sourced.

5. Don’t panic
– You will be ok and you will get another chance.

6. Talk to someone about how you feel

– Talking someone you trust or close to you will help you deal with the situation.

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