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ANC leaders resort to unity for conference

The deputy president nominations and secretary general nominations will be done on Sunday, whereby, Mabuza has been earmarked by the province

It seems Mpumalanga’s unity stance will prevail at the ANC’s 54th national conference to be held at Nasrec from tomorrow when Gauteng chairperson, Paul Mashatile and North West chairperson, Supra Mahumapelo announced yesterday that it was only through unity that the organization can succeed in redeeming itself during and after the conference.

This unity notion was orchestrated by Mpumalanga chairperson, DD Mabuza who has been insistent on the unity stance to a point that even at the last PGC on December 1 for consolidation of branch nominations, unity emerged as the dominant factor to decide the final outcome of the conference.

Also read : Outcome of ANC conference is in the hands of the branches

Through Mabuza, Mashatile and Mahumapelo’s notions, unity talks will continue on the sidelines to foster and uncontested leadership during the conference.
Nominations for the president will resume formerly at the conference on Saturday evening and the results thereof will be announced on Sunday.

Also read : Mpumalanga ANC to bus delegates for national conference

The results will be announced on Monday.
Today throngs of Mpumalanga supporters make their way to the conference with so much enthusiasm in preparation to celebrate Mabuza’s ascendancy into the deputy president seat of the ANC.

This will be history in the making for the province to have a leader who orchestrates a unity notion into the organisation and goes on to be deputy president – a first for the province in the ANC’ s history.


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