
Through the grapevine

People can be so petty out there, even when it's not necessary. Can someone give the Department of Culture, Sports and Recreation a Bells? 

If you don’t know what’s been going on, then you’re living under a rock. Comedian, Maanda Mungulwa, although some of us don’t find him funny at all, decided to rant and rave about the upcoming Mpumalanga Cultural Xperience. Talk about being bitter! He’s used to getting away with trashing people and what they do on social media, and tends to forget he is a brand himself.

Besides the dry jokes, maybe that’s why he failed to fill up the venue for his show earlier this year. Funny thing is that Mbombelans don’t tell one another the truth and claim to be marketing gurus. Abanye they refer to themselves as saints and insist on advocating for heaven knows what even on the wrong platforms. It’s towards the end of the year people.

It is advisable to stay in your lanes as changing them is quite dangerous at this stage.
Ask politicians, they know better. Anyway, rumour has it that the guy whose girlfriend attacked another female at Dream South Business Lounge is threatening women on Facebook. But one person who stood up to him is Daphney Makhubela. You go girl! Nobody has the right to treat others with disrespect. Whether you’re the son of a prominent person, or the state president for that matter, you earn respect in order to be respected.

Have a great weekend and remember to party hard and smart.

May the force be with you!

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