
Through the grapevine

Geez! Can someone find stylists for some of these young female politicians! Two-piece outfits and boots really don't work out, especially when you're young and representing the youth. Like seriously? What's funny is how they are quick to criticise others, especially on social media. It's the same issue with the queen's language.

Guys, it’s 2017 and these days you’ve really got to have the whole package and no we aren’t talking about “slay queens” who can’t afford champagne at News Cafe, we’re talking about professionals.

We know it is said that English does not determine one’s level of intelligence and blah blah blah, but what’s the use of being honourable ntoni ntoni if you are unable to communicate with the masses.

We had a hilarious moment when one of them addressed the people over the weekend. Shame, she kind of reminded us of the girl who did not know where the pots were on TV last year.

Tholukuthi they didn’t see that we were there but hey, it isn’t our mother tongue although it doesn’t justify the fact that you shall be laughed at. Invest in English classes and read a bit. Remember, readers are leaders angithi bo-comrade.

Anyway, what is this we hear about youth league members wanting Collen Maine (Oros) to step down? Ey before going down that road, let’s first see our locals’ birth certificates as verification that you are all under the age of 35, because we know quite a number who have been 35 for over five years. But anyway, it’s none of our business…

Have a splendid weekend and remember to party hard but smart. May the force be with you!

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