Editor's note

Why does it have to take protest action for people to be heard?

Incompetent leaders should be got rid of for progress’ sake.

It is the time for action by our provincial government, as the people of Nkomazi have raised their frustrations in the most open manner possible. Why does it have to take protest action for people to be heard?

The worrying factor here is the fact that Nkomazi has been counted among the most supportive local municipalities of the ANC since its inception. Really, those are the people who should not be complaining about service delivery. I cannot imagine Nkomazi people being complacent about water issues, roads, housing and economic opportunities, but they are also seemingly neglected.

The worrying factor here is the fact that Nkomazi has been counted among the most supportive local municipalities of the ANC since its inception. Really, those are the people who should not be complaining about service delivery. I cannot imagine Nkomazi people being complacent about water issues, roads, housing and economic opportunities, but they are also seemingly neglected.

The big question is why? Does it stem from leadership? When they embarked on their protest action, they reported their ward councillor, Veli Mabuza, to be neglecting his duties and allegedly involved in corrupt activities. It was so gratifying to hear that the premier, David Mabuza, immediately responded in front of them that he would be investigated and if found guilty, fired.

We are still looking forward to seeing the end of that action, because if Mabuza acts, then he should be doing so for all other communities. If one municipality out of the 17 complains so bitterly about service delivery, then what about the rest? Are they not in similar circumstances as Nkomazi with ignorant and useless councillors? I think there must be a change of tune, whereby councillors are closely monitored if they actually do their jobs or are just enjoying their air-conditioned offices and attending municipal functions and munching away at delicacies that come along with it.

On the other hand though, the community, if a councillor is functional, should attend community meetings and the integrated development planning sessions, where service delivery issues are discussed and planned. That is where budgets are tabled, and it will keep the community aware of how it functions and gives them a chance to be a part of prioritising projects. If they don’t attend such meetings, then they will be left out and respond to any reactionary forces within their communities.

One thing that is very important, is that communities should be in partnership with government in order to receive and deliver quality and adequate service delivery. Incompetent leaders should be got rid of for progress’ sake.
Hoping Nkomazi communities are serviced well for their well-deserved support.

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