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Dam levels decline

As temperatures rise, dam levels around the province continue to drop, the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is calling on South Africans to upgrade their water conservation effort.

There are some dams with the least amount of water which require extra caution in terms of water use. These dams include the Driekoppies Dam, supplied by Lomati River which decreased from 44.9% to 44.4%. The Morgenston Dam supplied by Ngwempisi River, which decreased from 48.9% to 48.2% and the Rhenosterkop Dam supplied by Elands River which decreased from 16.2% to 15.8%, in just one week.

‘’Due to the lack of rain and the extreme heat being experienced in the province, the water levels in our dams and rivers will continue with their decline and this calls
for all citizens to play their role and arrest the rollercoaster depletion of our water resources. Let us all work together to use water sparingly and wisely by eliminating water wastage in our area,” Said the Department Media Liaison officer, Sputnik Ratau.

Also Read: Water levels still low in local dams

5 Tips on how to save water.

1.Wash your car using a bucket of water and not the hosepipe.

2. Water plants early or late in the day to reduce evaporation.

3. Showering uses less water than bathing. It also saves you money on your electrical account.

4. Fill a jug with tap water and place this in your fridge. This will mean you do not have to leave the cold tap running for the water to run cold before you fill your glass.

5. Finally, use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.

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