
Through the grapevine

It is a shame to learn that there are still people in society, particularly eNaspoti, who go around stabbing others just because they cannot tie a leash on their dogs. Truth is, people of this nature belong in a jungle.

Dream South is supposed to be an upmarket chilling spot, but are we safe there? If one has to duck and dive glasses, then Shisa Nyama is a better option.

Some people are hypocrites tjerr! Sindiso Magaqa was shot in July, none of you took to social media to wish him well or ke at least made him your MCM on Facebook. The guy dies and boom, the mourners come out to play.

Weren’t you the very same comrades who were schooling us illiterates on posting about people who’ve just passed on? Anyway, we don’t need your silly explanations because as usual, you will defend yourselves using your jargon that we find hilarious. So, bye Felicia!

May Magaqa’s soul rest in peace. See how short and simple that is? There is absolutely no need to write long love letters as if you went into exile with the dude, not that some of you who call yourselves politicians know what that is, but we’ll let this one go.

Accuse people without proof of being on the premier’s payroll and brag about your “advanced political education” at Shisa Nyama but bear one thing in mind, it does not affect the price of rice. Some of you young local politicians should stay in your lanes, it’s dangerous to change lanes at this stage.

May the force be with you!

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