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ANC Councillor in Nkomazi shoots learner during protest

Chaos erupted this morning when community members protested again, demanding that the ward councillor has to address their grievances.

A 16-year-old grade 9 learner has been shot at Middleplaas in Nkomazi.

Since yesterday, parents have been lodging their concerns about proper ablution faciliets at Mpumelelo Primary School in Middleplaas, demanding that something be done about the issue.

Chaos erupted this morning when community members protested again, demanding that the ward councillor has to address their grievances.The ward councillor was accompanied by police when he came to address the crowd.

The ward councillor fired 3 shots to calm the crowd down, which is when he accidentally shot and wounded the learner.
Also see: VIDEO: Protestor shot at Bushbuckridge march

The learner has since been taken to hospital for treatment.
This is a developing story and Mpumalanga News will update our readers as soon as more information becomes available.

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