
ANC condemns Deputy Minister Manana’s alleged assault incident

The African National Congress has noted the accusations of violence against women leveled against the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mduduzi Manana.

According to the reports,  Manana assaulted a woman following an altercation at a Johannesburg night club over the weekend.

In a statement released by the ruling party, it states that such behavior is unacceptable and should be roundly condemned by all in our society.

“Regardless of the circumstances or the identity of the perpetrator or victim, violence against women is the shame of our times and inimical to the call the ANC has consistently made that we seek a South Africa where a young woman in the middle of the night, can walk alone without the fear of assault, attack or rape, going back home from wherever she comes from.  Achieving this vision requires 365 days of action against violence against women and amongst others, societal leaders that lead by example,” said National Spokesperson, Zizi Kodwa.

The African National Congress urged law enforcement agencies to act without fear or favor to investigate these allegations and bring the perpetrators to book.   “As a nation we must unambiguously affirm the rights of women to safety, freedom, justice and equality and send a clear message that as a country, we are united and resolute in our commitment to mercilessly fight this heinous pandemic against our women,” Kodwa ended.

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