
40 sheep stolen in Lothair

Police are still on the lookout for suspects who stole a flock of sheep in a farm in Ermelo.

Ermelo police are on the lookout for unknown suspects who stole a flock of 40 sheep from a farmer’s kraal in the area.

A flock of sheep, picture sourced.

Only 37 of the animals were found hidden under tree branches at the Riversdale Plantation near Lothair.
These included remains of two slaughtered sheep and the carcass of one sheep which was allegedly suffocated to death.

Read: Two suspected cattle thieves are hanged in Thulamahashe

Three of the animals are still missing and no arrests had been made in this regard so far.

The Ermelo Stock Theft Unit are investigating the matter.
Anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of the perpetrators can contact W/O Mandla Mkhwanazi on 072 984 1120 or 071845 3020.

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