
How to make your house safe during festive season

You can even report to your nearest police station if you will be out of town for a couple of days, so that the police can keep an eye on your house during street patrols.

Housebreaking is a serious problem during the festive-season holidays as criminals take advantage of the fact that people are on vacation with their families.
Neighbourhood Watch is one of the simplest mechanisms to can help you to keep your house safe while you are not around.
It is important to have a good relationship with your neighbours and trust them. Tell them you will be away provide them with your contact numbers.
You can even report to your nearest police station if you will be out of town for a couple of days, so that the police can keep an eye on your house during street patrols.

Here are some of the few tips that you can use to make your house safe during the festive season:

* You can upgrade the standard of your security by installing an alarm system or erecting an electric fence so that criminals cannot gain access by jumping or climbing over the wall.
* Test your alarm system.
* Don’t hide keys under a door mat.
* Don’t leave potential weapons lying in the garden because when an intruder gains access to your yard, it will be easy to attack you.
* Make sure your doors and windows are closed, especially at night, and your lights outside are on.
* You can also beef up your security by installing burglar bars on your doors and windows.


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