
Belly Critic

The whole country now perceives Mpumalanga's soccer fields as boxing rings

The spate of attacks on match officials at soccer games in Mpumalanga has been on the rise of late.
Something urgent needs to be done to stop these barbaric acts before we start to lose lives on our soccer fields.

They have now painted all of us, who love soccer, with one brush.

The whole country now perceives Mpumalanga’s soccer fields as boxing rings.

Since the 2016/17 season started in September, I have lost count of the number of violent incidents that I have witnessed and heard of.

Read More: Match officials attacked in Mpumalanga ABC Motsepe League
Match officials are being attacked by people who do not want to accept the outcome of the games.

No matter what the outcome might be, just for the sake of Fifa fair play, there is no need to attack one another.

I am worried that if these attacks continue, especially in the ABC Motsepe League, we risk losing the millions sponsored by Patrice Motsepe.
No one likes to be associated with corruption. Since the league is named after Motsepe’s father, the attacks and alleged corruption has a negative impact on the dignified Motsepe family.
On a sad note, the plane crash that claimed the lives of Chapecoense’s football players on Tuesday, has left the football fraternity in mourning.

Football is a universal language and the death of the players and officials is not only being felt by the people of Brazil, but by soccer lovers worldwide.

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