
All eyes glued to the crowning of Mrs Mpumalanga tonight

“We are currently busy with rehearsals and the final interview with judges will take place now. Come tonight it’s something we are looking forward to,” says Portia Pilane, one of the finalists.

MBOMBELA – All systems are in place and ready for dreams and wishes to come to pass tonight at the crowning of Mrs Mpumalanga 2016/17 at EMnotweni Arena.

Twelve gorgeous married women from all over the province will showcase their cat walking skills and beauty tonight.

Talking to some of the finalists, Mpumalanga News learnt that they were already eagerly waiting for the night.

“We are currently busy with rehearsals and the final interview with judges will take place now. Come tonight it’s something we are looking forward to,” says Portia Pilane, one of the finalists.

“Tonight I will make my daughter Lethando (who has been in hospital these past few weeks but is now responding well to medication), very proud,” she says.

Jacques Lombard, the director of Mrs Mpumalanga management team says: “The Mrs Mpumalanga pageant aims to support the ideals and attributes of today’s married woman, a woman who has inner beauty, outer beauty and a beauty she takes out into her everyday life as a wife that is Sassy, Sensual and Smart,” .

Also read: Crowning of Mrs Mpumalanga 2017

View finalists here: Finalists for Mrs Mpumalanga 2017

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