
Principal’s work will always live on

The first classrooms were made of cardboard boxes with no flooring whatsoever, but today this school is one of the best in the circuit. We even have paved premises, electricity and a borehole.

KABOKWENI – Parents, pupils and staff of Vulemehlo Combined School bade farewell to a veteran who served in the education sector for a solid 39 years.

Mr Kenneth Mnisi started his journey in this noble profession at Khumbula Primary, then to Bhekiswako, Vulindlela, Mlilo and finally settled at Vulemehlo.

“I love to make a difference in the community and I love education. I also enjoy working with the community at large,” he said.

In his 39 years, he spent 27 years as a principal, 25 of which at Vulemehlo.

Mnisi thanked the school governing body, parents and teachers for their support during his stay.

“We trusted each other, nobody bewitched me and I was always punctual for work,” he says.
Parents and community members praised Mnisi for his sterling work and leadership skills as principal – and that at a school he had built from the ground up in 1990.

“This school was a result of overcrowding at Mlilo, a neighbouring primary school. It started with a group of pupils being taught under trees at Mlilo’s sports ground, which then moved to the old building at the Jehovah Witnesses Church.

The first classrooms were made of cardboard boxes with no flooring whatsoever, but today this school is one of the best in the circuit. We even have paved premises, electricity and a borehole,” one of the speakers explained.

On leadership skills, Mnisi said, “I could easily resolve any conflict. I knew the strong and weak points of my staff, and ensured I worked harmoniously with all of them. I concentrated on their positives and encouraged them to keep on doing the best where they excelled.”

His next goal is to enjoy his family life to the full, with no disturbances.
Vulemehlo Combined currently has 14 teachers including their new principal, Mr Lukkie Philip Matsabe, who promised to carry on where Mnisi has left off.

Matsabe appealed to the community to love their school and protect it from any form of criminal behaviour.

“We recently lost eight computers which were stolen during school holidays and a 10 000-litre JoJo tank, which was stolen on August 3. Our plea to the community is to safeguard this school and report any criminal activities to the police,” he said.

The school has 343 pupils, including some living with disabilities, ranging from grade R to nine. The school’s music team won the 2014 national championships in double quartet.
View gallery : Principal leaves school after 39 years of service

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