Beauty & fashionLifestyle

Here are a few tips on how to apply foundation

It’s very important to wash your face with a facial cleanser so that your skin will be clean and fresh.

The first thing that you need to remember before applying it, is not to apply it over old make-up otherwise you will end up looking like a cake or like you are wearing a mask. It’s very important to wash your face with a facial cleanser so that your skin will be clean and fresh.

• You must first apply the primer with your finger, covering your whole face with a small amount.
• Apply a coat of foundation, it can be a liquid, cream or powder. Make sure that the foundation complements the colour of your skin. It should match your neck and chest so that you do not look as though you are using what they call “Ikeketsi” (creams that are used to change your natural colour from dark to light complexion).
You should take into consideration your skin type, whether it is oily, dry, normal or a combination.
• Lastly, don’t sleep with your make-up on because you will be at risk of having a skin problem. Your skin will be irritate

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