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Lephoko launches his biography, Man on the Hill

The biography, which details the life of the man on God, takes us from his childhood to his adulthood.

After 30 years in ministry, the founder of Church on the Hill and MVG Lephoko Ministries, Apostle Mxolisi Lephoko will launch his biography titled, Man on the Hill: The Life and Times of Apostle MVG Lephoko. The biography is authored by the Apostle’s close friend of many years, Dr Moss Mashamaite. The exclusive book launch will take place on Friday, September 16, 2016.

The biography, which details the life of the man on God, takes us from his childhood to his adulthood. It brings the reader closer to the man and documents how he started his ministry and the struggles he had to go through during the early days of ministry.

Apostle Lephoko, turned 50 in May 2016 and has lived 30 years of his life building his ministry. Through the life of Lephoko, as the biography details, one can point evidence of God’s love, forgiveness, learning from one’s mistakes,loving people regardless of what they have done to you, embracing all kinds of people and going all out for God.

Below is the write up about the biography from the author- Dr Moss Mashamaite:

The future is like a vast untapped territory and there are men who seem to have the key that opens its many doors for others, Apostle Mxolisi Lephoko is one of those rare breed of men that has been able to do that. Born during the turbulent nineteen sixties in Ermelo on the 3rd of May 1966, he has lived a full fifty years doing just that – opening the door to the future for many people in all walks of life.

Lephoko was raised in Lekazi, studied in Thembeka High School and furthered his studies in the Sciences and Education at the University of the North (now Limpopo). It was while he was at varsity that he got saved and received the call of God to the ministry. He plunged into it and together with his young friends, mostly from the Assemblies of God started ‘Like A Mighty Wind Ministries’ which grew into a church.

Also Read: Church on the Hill welcomes Apostle Mxolisi Lephoko

“Of the real men and women of history the most venerated and envied are those whose early humiliations were but preludes to glory”, wrote H.L. Mencken. Mxolisi has had his share of rejection and humiliation from the church that raised him, the Assemblies of God. The group of friends with whom he started the ministry went their way living him cold and lonely with his calling.

Meantime he worked for the Department of Education as a teacher for an uncomfortable five years while pastoring an ambitious but struggling flock, with the call of God keeping him in restless un-sleep. In 1996 he went into the full time ministry as Senior Pastor of Agape Fellowship, later Church on the Hill. He did this against the advice of his elders and all the voices of reason.

There was no money to sustain him into that venture but that did not deter him. Instead he ploughed whatever little his family had left back into the same ministry project. Today, together with his supportive wife, affectionately known as Mother O, he is a leader of the robust Church On The Hill which is spreading both horizontally and vertically in the SADC region. His ministry is in demand internationally. – Dr Moss Mashamaite



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