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Criminal record closes doors for success

He was shocked to hear representatives of a prominent company tell him, after successfully passing his job interview, that he could not work there because of his record.

PIENAAR- A 43 year-old man who was as once arrested 23 years ago has called on the government to take a look at the consequences of the ever-present criminal records of ex-convicts.
Mr Sipho David Malindzisa from Luphisi says his attempts to find a job are fruitless due to his criminal record.
He said he was shocked to hear representatives of a prominent company tell him, after
successfully passing his job interview, that he could not work there because of his record.
“I was hired for a temporary job and on the first day I was called into the office by management. They told me they regretted offering me the job before checking up on my criminal record, thus
I cannot work for them because of it,” he said.
Malindzisa was arrested in 1993 and served three months in prison. Attempts to have his name cleared had been unsuccessful.
“I went to the police station and the justice department many times, but I was only told that I committed a crime once and my record can’t be cancelled.
“Life is tough with such a record. Every door I knock on, I’m reminded about it. I am not a criminal, I’m a full-time Christian, what happened was a mistake, I was arrested after
my involvement in a community mob justice in Nkomazi – where I was from before relocating to where I live now. If I knew the consequences thereof, I would have never gotten involved,” he added.
Malindzisa is a skilled driver with a code 10 EC 104 and is a former maths and science student of the University of Zululand, a course he never finished due to financial constraints.
Sgt Gerald Sedibe, spokesperson for provincial police, advised Malindzisa to follow the correct procedures by visiting the Criminal Record Centre’s office in Mbombela to find out how he could be assisted to have his name cleared.

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