
Neil Sommers excited and nervous about the SAMAs

There is only one word for Neil Somers’ brand new album, Hierdie Hande- Awesome!

There is only one word for Neil Somers’ brand new album, Hierdie Hande- Awesome!

The album has been nominated for beste kontemporere musiek in the upcoming SAMAs and Neil says he is humbled by the nomination.

“This is a big privilege I never expected. Just for my album to stand a chance to be selected as one of the best is huge for me,” he says.

He adds that he has no words to describe his gratitude to all his fans for their love and support.

“We as artists can tell ourselves that we play great music, but if people don’t love and buy our music, we are as good as not existing at all,” he says.

Neil is excited and nervous about Saturday when the winners will be announced at the Durban ICC.

“I’m sitting on my nerves and I guess I’ll only be ready on stage when I’m called to receive the award, if I’ll be called. However, the nomination alone is great news for me,” he adds.
Neil is loved by his fans for his deep voice which does each soulful lyric so much justice.

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