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Police concerned by the number of minors raped

Local police have urged parents of young girls to always keep a watchful eye as rape cases of minors have escalated in the area.

MASOYI – Local police have urged parents of young girls to always keep a watchful eye as rape cases of minors have escalated in the area.

During an awareness campaign that was conducted by the police at Siyafundza primary, Const Naniki Nonyane advised the girls to stay at home and not roam around the streets where they end up falling prey of molesters.

“We have noticed with concern that children are wandering around the streets even late at night and they become target of heartless rapists.

How can a mother spend more than an hour without knowing where her child is, especially in the evening? We urge parents to work with us and protect their children,” said Nonyane.

She added that the campaign comes after an overwhelming number of rape cases were reported at the police station.

“Parents, especially mothers should have time to talk to their children and seek help whenever they are suspicious of any strange behaviour displayed by the kids.

If more parents could take the well-being of their children more seriously, a number of rape incidents could be avoided,” added Nonyane.

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