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Clinics are not up to standard

Patients from KaNyamazane and KaBokweni clinics have complained about the poor service from these two institutions.

MBOMBELA – Patients from KaNyamazane and KaBokweni clinics have complained about the poor service from these two institutions.

The outcry came when the people alleged that they had not received proper medication when visiting the clinics for consultation.

Speaking to Mpumalanga News, Ms Thembeni Ntuli said she went to KaBokweni Clinic with a stomach problem, hoping that she would receive proper medication, but was given pain killers instead.

“I had a runny stomach which became worse, then I rushed to the clinic to have it treated, only to be given pain killers.

“I tried to explain to the nurse what I needed, but she just told me that is the only thing that they could do to assist me.”

Another enraged patient, Ms Mary Malatsi said she was recently turned away at KaNyamazane Clinic because it was allegedly out of stock. She was told to enquire telephonically about the availability of the immunisation shots for infants.

Last week she made a call and was told that she has to wait another week as it was still waiting for stock.

“I decided to go to Tekwane South where the child was immunised.

The frustrating part is that patients are not allowed to consult in another area other than where they reside.

I was fortunate to find sympathetic nurses at Tekwane South,” she said.

Sources within the clinics told this publication that they were experiencing a shortage of medication.

It was not the clinics’ fault because orders were delayed at the depot.

Mr Dumisani Malamule from the Department of Health, issued a statement and said all the allegations were unfounded as all facilities filed in their medical stock weekly.

They said the evidence showed that all drugs were available. In relation to diarrhoea not all such ailments need medication, health education was part of the treatment.

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