
Not all are satisfied with service delivery

In his response, Mkhonto said many were ill-informed about the meeting, hence they came with their own agenda. We have seen that there are certain individuals who want to mislead and confuse the residents.

MSHOLOZI – Ward 14’s councillor, Mr Kenneth Mkhonto assured residents that formalisation processes were still underway for this township.

This happened on Sunday morning during a community meeting to give feedback on service delivery in the area. “The formalisation process of Msholozi is at an advanced stage and the layout plan is done,” he said.

He mentioned that designs for electricity projects were also at an advanced stage. “Mbombela Local Municipality and the Department of Energy have checked the designs and it has been finalised,” he said.

Mkhonto said the project would commence at the beginning of the 2016/17 financial year – July 1.
On water issues, Mkhonto said the municipality had designed four larger water reservoirs to boost the current pump and water-reticulation stations.
On issues of roads and transport, Mkhonto promised attendees that public transport would be made available for all sections.”We have noted that the people of Section D walk longer distances to get transport. We have since engaged with the KaBokweni Taxi Association and plans will be made for taxis to go that side.
We have also negotiated with the relevant departments that one of the three scholar buses should fetch pupils from Section D, one from Hopeville and the other from Section B.”
Mkhonto also called on owners who had not yet registered their stands to do so and verify their details with the Mbombela Local Municipality’s Office of the Speaker. He added that illegal dumping on the streets of Msholozi had become a thorn in the flesh and was a health hazard to residents and children.

“We have made a proposal to the municipality’s waste management to have three large containers for this area,” he said.

He added that they had engaged with the municipality’s department of roads and storm control to erect a concrete wall to direct rainwater away from houses at Phumlani Section.
A group of the attendees brushed Mkhonto’s presentation off as lies and a strategy to have him voted in in the next municipal elections. “You are lying! What have you done for us in the past five years of being a councillor? There is nothing. We will not vote you in! What’s the urgency of this meeting?” they shouted. These altercations nearly disrupted the meeting as groups debated and pointed fingers at one another. Some accused others of being corrupt and wanting to sell more stands.

“If they remove Mkhonto, who are they going to vote in because we know that they all sell people’s stands,” shouted an angry resident.

In his response, Mkhonto said many were ill-informed about the meeting, hence they came with their own agenda. “We have seen that there are certain individuals who want to mislead and confuse the residents. Politics will be dealt with by politicians, this meeting is all about the development of this area,” he said.

Addressing continuing rumours that Msholozi would now fall under Ward 30, Mkhonto said, “The processes of demarcation don’t affect Msholozi. It still remains within the boundaries of Ward 14.” He called on the residents to attend another meeting on Saturday.

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