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Mbombela is plagued by illegal substances

The paper spoke to a Nigerian man who said police officers, doctors and even teachers are dealing in drugs in this city.

MBOMBELA – The issue of illegal drugs being sold in the city needs serious attention from law enforcers.

Last week’s edition of Mpumalanga News uncovered an uncontrollable drug ring operating in schools and the arrest of two police officers in connection with dealing in dagga.

The paper has also received many calls since from people complaining about officers in uniforms who are involved in drugs. They said some of them even get drug dealers to share money with them.

The paper spoke to a Nigerian man who said police officers, doctors and even teachers are dealing in drugs in this city. He said he is willing to help the MEC for community safety, security and liaison,
Mr Vusi Shongwe arrest dealers and even the kingpin who supplies drugs from Pretoria to the province. To do so, the man needs to be guaranteed 100 per cent protection against his own countrymen as well as South Africans who deal in drugs.

The source even alleged that some of the dealers who rented houses around town, pay rent for their neighbours to ensure they don’t reveal any information about the substances they hide in their houses.

He even knows of salons around town which operate as drug zones. He also revealed that bottle stores in the townships sell drugs and he knows of dealers who use young boys as mules.
“Drugs are everywhere. Both South African and Nigerians deal in drugs. Some of the kingpins are connected with the police and are friends with people in authority,” he said.

Brig Selvy Mohlala, spokesperson for the provincial police, said it was unfortunate for people to generalise that the police were dealing in drugs.

“We urge people to report those officers without fear so they can be arrested and prosecuted,” he said.

He added that the two members who were arrested last week in connection with drugs, were in addition to the ones who had been apprehended late last year after they were found with a state vehicle loaded with dagga bags. “We also have an anti-corruption unit which deals with issues of corruption among members,” added Mohlala.

This newspaper will arrange for the Nigerian source to meet with Shongwe.

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