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DA says it is ready for elections

The provincial leader of the (DA) in the Mpumalanga legislature, Mr James Masango conveys his seasonal greetings and takes a look at the party's achievements and highlights of 2015.

MBOMBELA – “My colleagues can attest to the fact that it has been a busy year for the DA in the province. We held a successful provincial congress where a new leadership was elected and integrated seamlessly into the workings of the party.

Other political parties are so fraught with corruption and infighting that to this day, they have not managed to even secure a date for their provincial congresses.”

From May to October membership grew by over 50 per cent, which allows the party to grow in areas that it never thought to reach. “This is a clear sign that the people of Mpumalanga are ready to embrace the change that the DA will bring,” declares Masango.

Nationally the party’s leader in parliament Ms Helen Zille stepped down after eight years of her leadership. For the first time in DA history a black person – non other the charismatic Mr Mmusi Maimane – took over and brought a different energy.

In August Masango returned from parliament and assumed his position in the provincial legislature. “I was pleased to find a party that was working hard and ready to serve its people.

“We embarked on a provincial tour, spreading the message of hope and DA’s vision for South Africa under the banner of #Vision2029. This tour led us to some of the most remote parts of the province where we saw how people who have been abandoned by the ruling party live in abject poverty, with little to no access to basic services.

“This only entrenched our belief that the DA must grow even more to eventually become the governing party to ensure that every citizen of this province can live in an open opportunity society entrenched in the values of freedom, fairness and opportunity,” explained Masango.

He added that the DA has enjoyed a support in all provincial events, from the commemoration of national holidays to visits of the Maimane, the chairperson Mr Athol Trollip and the deputy Ms Desiree van der Walt.

“We held a very successful march and received international recognition when we marched to the legislature to defend women’s right to dress as they wish without being subjected to sexist remarks,” alluded Masango.

In a nutshell 2015 has been an amazing journey for the party. “Judging by the determination of Team DA Mpumalanga, we will conquer every challenge that 2016 throws our way.”

“I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues in the provincial legislature and in the national assembly for their unwavering support, hard work and perseverance. I’d also like to thank each and every councillor, activist and staff member who made this journey possible.

“The year 2016 will bring about its own unique set of challenges, one of them being the local government elections. If this year is anything to go by, I know that the DA is ready for election 2016 and we will continue to grow from strength to strength.

“I wish each and every one of you a blessed festive season and a prosperous new year. May 2016 be an amazing year.”

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