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Pupils return to study camp despite alleged evil spirits

"I don't want to go back, even though it is not easy to study alone because sometimes I get stuck and no one is helping me, but going back is the last thing on my mind as I am still traumatised."

BHUGA – The headmaster of Sibhulo Senior Secondary School decided to stop study camps for grade 12s earlier this month due to evil spirits allegedly attacking learners in the classrooms at night.

Recently Mpumalanga News learnt that some of the matriculants decided to go back to the camps as they claimed that they struggled to focus on their studies at home. One of the pupils said,

“The reason why I decided to come back is because here it is very quiet and I get enough time to study, unlike at home. Sometimes you need to assist with house chores and begin to study very late.”

Another learner indicated that not all the pupils returned to the study camps.

“It was a good idea to study at school but what I saw with my own eyes, is still flashing through my mind, especially at night.


I remember every detail, seeing my classmates acting very strangely, fainting, crying and screaming as they claimed to be strangled by evil spirits.

“I don’t want to go back, even though it is not easy to study alone because sometimes I get stuck and no one is helping me, but going back is the last thing on my mind as I am still traumatised.”

This publication also learnt that some of the parents who received phone calls in the middle of the night did not hesitate to take their children home for their own safety.

The Department of Education indicated that it would send officials to investigate this matter.

Spokesperson Mr Jasper Zwane indicated that the department was not aware that study camps had been suspended due to evil spirits apparently taunting learners.

Recently the communications officer of education, Mr Gerald Sambo said, “We have sent officials to monitor the school to make sure that everything goes smoothly.”

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